W koszyku
The prisoner / B. A. Paris. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, copyright 2022. - [6], 360 stron ; 24 cm.
Then Amelie has always been a survivor, from losing her parents as a child in Paris to making it on her own in London. As she builds a career for herself in the magazine industry, she meets, and agrees to marry, Ned Hawthorne. Now Amelie wakes up in a pitch-black room, not knowing where she is. Why has she been taken? Who are her mysterious captors? And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned? źródło opisu: materiały wydawcy
Status dostępności:
Filia "Skorosze"
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: sygn. 821-3 ang. (1 egz.)
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