W koszyku
Fourteen-year-old Cynthia Bigge woke one morning to discover that her entire family-mother, father,brother-had vanished. No note, no trace, no return. Ever. Now, twenty-five years later, she’ll learn the devastating truth. Sometimes it’s better not to know. . . . Cynthia is happily married with a young daughter, a new family. But the story of her old family isn’t over. A strange car in the neighborhood, untraceable phone calls, ominous “gifts”-someone has returned to her hometown to finish what was started twenty-five years ago. And no one’s innocence is guaranteed, not even her own. By the time Cynthia discovers her killer’s shocking identity, it will again be too late . . . even for goodbye.
Status dostępności:
Filia "Niedźwiadek"
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 kan. (1 egz.)
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