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Imagine being born into a world where communities are constantly on the move, but freedom is not a birthright. Rosie grew up traveling all over England and Ireland in her family's caravan. She had an idyllic childhood roaming fields and meadows with her younger brothers and sisters-free from the trappings of modern life, but restricted by the expectations of her culture. When Rosie was 14, the family's happiness was shattered when her grandfather-who was loved and respected by the whole community-was killed in a tragic accident. Suddenly everything in Rosie's life unraveled and she was forced to abandon the traditional way of life she loved. Her family fell apart and Rosie tried her best to take care of her younger siblings and hold the family together. As life at home became unbearable Rosie met Stevie, a traveler boy who promised her a different kind of life. But, Stevie was battling his own demons and Rosie's journey to freedom had only just begun.
Status dostępności:
Filia "Niedźwiadek"
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 821-3 irl. (1 egz.)
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